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Guilherme AlmeidaSoftware Engineer

Professional Software Development Blog and Portfolio.


Welcome to my dedicated space for sharing insights and showcasing a selection of my software development projects. Here, you'll find a collection of articles and a portfolio that provides a glimpse into my journey in the world of software development.

I'm a dedicated Software Engineer with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and over 4 years of hands-on experience in software development. My journey began in the creative field, having spent approximately 6 years as a designer before making the leap into development.

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Dockerizing an Application

Dockerizing an Application

In this post, I provide a brief introduction to Docker, and some concepts such as images, containers, and volumes. And finally, some main steps to upload an application in a container.

An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Python

An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Python

A brief introduction to the Object Oriented paradigm with Python, where we will see how the language can be used in this context and how it differs from other languages aimed at using this paradigm.
