Publish your first package to NPM
This post, in addition to showing how to publish a package, also introduces important concepts such as versioning, compatibility and dependency management.
My Cheat Sheet of Javascript
This post summarizes in methods and examples what I learned studying javascript, where I had the idea of creating this sheet to help me with future questions. I hope it will also help language beginners to accelerate their learning curve and more experienced ones to remember some forgotten concepts.
Learning regex in practice
Taking advantage of the subject of the last post, today I bring the content of a presentation I made at my company about regular expressions. A brief introduction to regex using email validation to exemplify past concepts.
Modern web and Email Marketing
After leaving float aside and learning the wonderful flexbox, creating layouts with display grid, the facilities of a preprocessor like Sass can bring to the project and the use of semantic tags, not to mention frameworks among other modern web technologies. Here we are faced with the challenge of creating a HTML email marketing template for our company's campaigns.
Hello World
Starting my personal blog, here I intend to share what I've been learning about web development, computer science and others technology stuff.
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