Hello World
Posted on June 20, 2020 - 1 minutes of reading
Starting my personal blog, here I intend to share what I've been learning about web development, computer science and others technology stuff.
Hi! I'm Guilherme, if you want to know more about me you can see here, you must be new here, so I decided to write my first post talking a little about my motivations for having a blog.
I still consider myself a beginner as a developer, until 2018 my professional career was always as a designer working on projects such as book layout, visual communication, agency marketing and freelance creation of stationery and visual identity.
With this I intend to share the knowledge that I have been acquiring as a way to validate, memorize and help other beginners who are going through the same problems and doubts.
I intend to post web development tips mainly, a little theory about what I've been studying in the computer science course, technology book reviews, events, courses and whatever else comes to mind.
So that's it, feel free, get a cup of coffee and wait for new posts so we can exchange ideas about the technology world.